Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!

Posted 7/31/24
➷WKDS School board is accepting applications for the following positions:
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-Please see instructions for filling out the PDF application here
-Download an application here and submit to HR Manager - Valentina Makes Him First.
Email: Valentina.MakesHimFirst@k12.sd.us
Office Phone: 605-867-4367

Upcoming Events

➷Early Registration for 2024-2025 school year
July 22nd
Please have the following documents when registering your student(s):
-Tribal Enrollment
-Birth certificate
-Up to date vaccinations

Manderson Wacipi (Also see WKDS Facebook page)
➷July 26th -27th

Youth & Adult Horse Games
July 27th -28th

Cool School
August 5th - 16th

First Day of School!
August 26th